About Us

Little Red Apple Learning Centers are designed to educate and stimulate children to create and express themselves while cultivating independence and fostering friendships. In our classroom laboratories, children work together, exploring their natural curiosity, and explore educational opportunities in a fun and stimulating environment.

Our Story
Little Red Apple Learning Center, (formerly Little Red Apple Preschool), was begun in September 1991, arising from the need for safe, affordable, quality child care in New Jersey. Child care has become a perplexing problem that faces many of today’s families and its necessity has become paramount amongst working parents. The concept of Little Red Apple Learning Center is to provide a learning environment where children can socially, emotionally and academically grow, while their parents work, maintain a household or continue their education; confidently knowing that their child is safe, well-cared for, and learning.
Director's Message
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to LITTLE RED APPLE LEARNING CENTER. We would like to reassure you, that although child care can be one of the most crucial decisions of today’s working parents, it can also be one of the best, for both, you and your child(ren).
Childcare is usually the first experience a child has to interact with other children of the same age group, jointly discovering the great, big wonderful world in which they live; while learning the “basics” in a safe play-learning environment. It also affords a child a head start in today’s complex society; socially, emotionally and academically, allowing the parent(s) to focus on their careers, or maintain a household, confidently knowing that their child is not only safe, but also learning as they play. Although the balance and stress of work and raising a family can be frustrating, we would like you to know that we are here to help if we can, and it is my sincerest hope that our relationship can extend beyond just a business one.
I would like to thank you for selecting our school and entrusting to us, your most valued treasure, your child.
John F. Portscher
Executive Director

Our Staff
Our staff are dedicated and nurturing professionals who truly enjoy working with children as they explore, develop and grow!
They truly understand, and are sensitive to the fact, that each child is an individual and should always be treated as such.
Out staff is consistently concerned for the overall being of every child in their care and will strive to work in conjunction with families to insure a stimulating, rewarding and fun educational experience.
The staff will also make careful note of your child's strength's and weaknesses, and consistently communicate their daily progress to parents/guardians.